
Wallfahrtskapelle Wirzenborn

Detailed description

To the parish of Montabaur belongs the pilgrimage church Wirzenborn. Their history is closely linked to the beginning of the pilgrimage more than 500 years ago.

In the beginning there stood a simple picture of Mary before the pilgrim. The place was given more attention by the image of grace. The picture shows the standing Madonna with the Jesus Child on the left arm and the scepter in the right hand.

As the number of pilgrims grew over time, the small chapel of the 15th century was no longer sufficient, so they decided to start the construction of today's larger church. It was consecrated in 1510.

Brief description

The history of the chapel is closely connected with the beginning of the pilgrimage more than 500 years ago. Translated with

Contact and directions

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56410 Montabaur-Wirzenborn