Familie sitzt unter der ausgefahrenen Markise Ihres Campers am Dreifelder Weiher

Adventure tips around the southern Westerwald

Boredom is a thing of the past:

If you are on holiday in the southern Westerwald or Kannenbäckerland or live here, there is plenty to experience. More than 70 leisure activities within a 50 kilometre radius of Montabaur, Höhr-Grenzhausen and Ransbach-Baumbach have been compiled in the compact brochure ‘Erlebnis-Tipps Kannenbäckerland und Südlicher Westerwald’, which the Montabaur Tourist Information Office has now published together with its colleagues from the Kannenbäckerland Tourist Information Office. There is something for all ages, all weathers and (almost) all tastes.

Something for everyone

The offers are organised according to categories such as experience ceramics, museums/guided tours, experience nature and culture, family fun, wellness, factory outlet or castles and palaces. Each of the more than 70 tips naturally includes basic information such as contact details, internet address, opening times and admission prices.

Go to the information brochure

Just three of the many leisure activities on offer