Montabaur fairy tales

That's fabulous! In the municipality of Montabaur, the ‘Montabäurer Mären’ theme trail invites hikers to enjoy truly legendary experiences.

Along the 22-kilometre route from Nentershausen to Montabaur, a total of 17 uniformly designed narrative panels explain old myths and legends from the region in entertaining texts. This turns the hiking trail into a fairytale book, so to speak; the hike into a fairytale lesson. The storytelling boards are always placed along the hiking trail where, according to tradition, the respective story took place. Fairy tales from the area around Montabaur - Montabaur fairy tales.

You can find the flyer and a hiking map here.
To make the legendary hiking trail even more interesting and varied, there is the digital ‘Unterwegspaket’.
The offer includes an interactive hiking map with explanations of the sculptures as well as service information on refreshments, accommodation and public transport services in the region. With the legend quiz, hikers can test their knowledge of legends acquired along the way and those who can recite the answer in Wäller Platt will receive a small reward at the tourist information centre in Montabaur. The ‘Unterwegspaket’ can now be downloaded free of charge at:

Montabaur fairy tales

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Information on public transport

Please select the link above, then click on ‘Timetable’ in the red tab at the top and then select ‘Download timetable’.
Enter bus number 450 in the selection window. The current bus timetable between Montabaur and Nentershausen will appear.

Bus timetables for Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays:

Under the link you will find a link to the AST shared taxi service under the heading ‘Bürgerservice’ and then ‘Verkehr - Busse & Bahnen’.

Select route 8441 Görgeshausen-Montabaur and back in the selection window.

Tipps zur Logistik

Dear hikers, our theme trail is not a circular hiking trail, so we recommend parking one or more vehicles along the route or using local public transport.

Bus timetables from Monday to Friday:
Under the link you will find the current bus timetables from Monday to Friday.

Please select the link above, then click on ‘Timetable’ in the red tab at the top and select ‘Download timetable’.
Enter the bus number 450 in the selection window. The current bus timetable between Montabaur and Nentershausen will appear.

Bus timetables for Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays:

Under the link you will find a link to the AST shared taxi service under the heading ‘Bürgerservice’ and then ‘Verkehr - Busse & Bahnen’.

Select route 8441 Görgeshausen-Montabaur and back in the selection window.